The overriding thought that God has impressed upon my heart for the past two nights is 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.I know our nation is in trouble and as I prayed for the nation, our leadership and the coming election the Lord kept bringing up each distinct portion of the verse. If my people, who are called by my name (Christians), shall humble themselves and pray, (our requests need to come from a heart of humility- we must admit there is no hope in ourselves. We must admit that whoever is elected is not the answer), and seek my face,( it must be more than simply requesting from God we must seek His presence, His friendship, as Moses spoke with God face to face as a friend. To seek His face is to seek His favor and to see His countenance.) And turn from their wicked ways; ( When we truly enter His presence and see his countenance and realize what He believes sin to be, then we will turn from our wicked ways.) Then will I hear from Heaven, (He will Hear our prayer for forgiveness of sin, He will hear our prayers for our nation). And forgive their sin (He will forgive because we have humbled ourselves, because we prayed for forgiveness, because we sought His face, because we had true repentance and turned from our wicked ways.) And heal their Land.
Our land can be healed, but the error I believe we have made, is that we request it in prayer but we do not fulfill the rest of the verse. There are requirements to every promise and God says if our Land is to be healed we must do all that He has stated. We pray, but we continue to justify our sins. We pray, but we decide what is wicked or not,rather than allowing God’s word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit to decide what is wicked, sin and wrong. We pray, but we continue on in our own will and way because we have not humbled ourselves to the will of God. We pray, but we do not really desire to see Him face to face for we may not like what we see or what He wants us to do or to change.
If you have ever considered sharing anything I have written from my walks, I would ask that this be the one. Our nation and our future is in danger. We need the right leadership but more than that we need Jehovah God to intervene and heal our nation. His promises are true. He will do what He says but It only if we do what He says. Humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear, forgive and heal. Written byRobert Hooker