The Two Most Important Symbols I have saved what I believe are the two most important symbols for last. These are: • The kiss. It symbolizes the sealing of aRead more ⟶
Author: JoBeth Hooker
Mrs. Hooker accepted Christ as her Saviour as a child and later received assurance of her salvation at the age of 21. Mrs. Hooker attended Memphis State University and met Bro. Hooker during her freshman year. They were married two years later in 1978. Mrs. Hooker is now the mother of six daughters who are grown and married, and she has 12 grandchildren.
Since the Hooker’s move to Indiana and the First Baptist Church of Hammond Mrs. Hooker has both attended Hyles-Anderson College and been involved in several ministries within the church. The ministries that Mrs. Hooker has been involved in include: Deaf Children’s Sunday School Teacher, Blue Denim and Lace worker, Church Nurseries, Sunday School Teacher, Phoster Club and the Servicemen’s Ministry. Mrs. Hooker served as the Dean of Women at Hyles-Anderson College for two years and she has been a part-time faculty member at Hyles-Anderson College for 14 years. Mrs. Hooker is an author and conference speaker, but she is most content being a wife and homemaker.
Special February Deals!
Kindle or rekindle the romance in your marriage! Author Gregory Godek once said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing!” And thisRead more ⟶
New Year Resolutions
January is the time of year when we all want to make our New Year resolutions and, for most women, that usually includes a fitness and diet plan. I amRead more ⟶
Home and Marriage
Special books to help your home and marriage
Music for the Soul
“Yeah, tell us a story!” If I don’t respond quickly enough, they will begin to clap their hands rhythmically and chant, “Tell us a story! Tell us a story!”
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